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EpiWorkshops – Spring sessions

Join us this spring for our new Epigenomics workshops season! Our à la carte program (March 11-18-25 & April 1-8-15) is completely modular. You can join the sessions that are the most relevant for your research. Plus, get an introduction to new and upcoming technologies in epigenomics analyses.


Each workshop will be offered several times throughout the day, as outlined in the schedule.


All of our live sessions are highly interactive, with a mix of lecture, demos, use cases and fun activities to help you master the techniques behind chromatin and DNA methylation studies. Novice or expert, you'll learn something new with our passionate epigenomics experts covering workflows in depth – sample preparation, wetlab protocols, library preparation, analysis and bioinformatics.





Upcoming sessions schedule:

March 11: Chromatin

Paris: 9:00 & 17:00
New York: 12:00 & 16:00
Los Angeles: 9:00 & 13:00

March 18: Tagmentation

Paris: 9:00 & 17:00
New York: 12:00 & 16:00
Los Angeles: 9:00 & 13:00

March 25: Bioinfo for Chromatin studies

Paris: 17:00
New York: 12:00
Los Angeles: 9:00

April 1: DNA methylation

Paris: 9:00 & 18:00
New York: 12:00 & 16:00
Los Angeles: 9:00 & 13:00

April 8: Bioinfo for DNA methylation

Paris: 18:00
New York: 12:00
Los Angeles: 9:00

April 15: RNA-seq

Paris: 9:00 & 18:00
New York: 12:00 & 16:00
Los Angeles: 9:00 & 13:00



- Epiworkshops programme -

11 Mar – ChIP 18 Mar – Tagmentation 25 Mar – Bioinfo for Chromatin studies
ChIP overview: ChIP-qPCR or ChIP-seq Chromatin profiling methods: ChIPmentation, CUT&Tag, ATAC-seq ChIP-qPCR and ChIP-seq analysis
Chromatin preparation: fixation, cell lysis and chromatin shearing Tn5 transposase, a world of applications Bioinformatics analysis: specifics of sequencing for chromatin technologies (ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq, Cut&Tag)
Setting up your IP: antibodies, replicates, inputs, positive/negative controls Tagmentation workflow and comparison with other methods Sequencing QC
Library preparation and sequencing iDeal CUT&Tag protocol Computer resources recommendations
Method considerations for Plant samples ATAC-seq protocol Software needed
Case study Case study  
Duration: 120 min Duration: 120 min Duration: 90 min
1 Apr – DNA methylation 8 Apr – Bioinfo for DNA methylation 15 Apr – RNA-seq
Overview of commonly used workflows for 5mC and 5hmC analysis Specifics of sequencing for single nucleotide resolution technologies (WGBS, RRBS, Targeted) Introduction on non-coding RNA
Output characteristics: resolution, quality, coverage - a comparison Sequencing QC Overview of common RNA-seq analyses
Biomarker discovery pipeline -which method to choose? Computer resources and software recommendations Our innovative take on RNA-seq: the D-Plex technology

Workflows, tips & tricks for selected methods:

• MeDIP-qPCR/-seq

• WGBS, EM-seq and RRBS

• Infinium Arrays, Human Methylome Panel

  Step-by-step workflow and example of results
Case study   A World of applications: from ribosome profiling to biomarker discovery
    Case study
Duration: 120 min Duration: 90 min Duration: 90 min